All About Me

Heya! I’m Julia Hassard and I’m a CSUN communication design alumni, a photography hobbyist, dedicated makeup enthusiast, and digital space conqueror. I value accessibility and empathy not only in my UI/UX and web work, but in my personal life.

Through dedication and empathy, I want to become someone who provides value to the community as a whole and create an environment that thrives off of inclusivity. There is nothing more discouraging than feeling left out. Using my expertise and designs, I hope to create safe, welcoming spaces that allow others to express themselves freely through problem-solving, user research knowledge, and design methods that accommodate everyone’s needs.

When I’m not behind a computer screen designing, you can catch me playing on the switch and PC, jamming out to my favorite artists, or catching up on my hobbies a.k.a. taking day naps and soaking up the California sun with a good book in hand.

All About Me

Heya! I’m Julia Hassard and I’m a CSUN communication design alumni, a photography hobbyist, dedicated makeup enthusiast, and digital space conqueror. I value accessibility and empathy not only in my UI/UX and web work, but in my personal life.

Through dedication and empathy, I want to become someone who provides value to the community as a whole and create an environment that thrives off of inclusivity. There is nothing more discouraging than feeling left out. Using my expertise and designs, I hope to create safe, welcoming spaces that allow others to express themselves freely through problem-solving, user research knowledge, and design methods that accommodate everyone’s needs.

When I’m not behind a computer screen designing, you can catch me playing on the switch and PC, jamming out to my favorite artists, or catching up on my hobbies a.k.a. taking day naps and soaking up the California sun with a good book in hand.

The Beginning of a Designer

As a 17 year old bound to dedicate my work life to the computer science field, I began my last high school semester with several stem based courses under my belt with an exception of one extracurricular: graphic arts. This class was my first taste of Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator, key programs that would develop me as a designer. I treated the projects with dedication and fervor up till graduation came around the corner.

Even though this exposure was fundamental to my journey, I went into college as a computer science major ready to make a change and use my creativity within the field. By my second semester, I switched into Studio Arts as I found my creativity to be much stronger in this area of study.

It wasn’t until I became a CSUN Matador that I saw my future within the graphic design world. With my experience in computer science and accumulating graphic skills, it was only natural to fall into UI/UX and Web Design with a goal of entering the accessibility realm, especially being surrounded by many disabled individuals. Present day, I am constantly learning about my specialized area and the diverse world of accessibility.

The Beginning of a Designer

As a 17 year old bound to dedicate my work life to the computer science field, I began my last high school semester with several stem based courses under my belt with an exception of one extracurricular: graphic arts. This class was my first taste of Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator, key programs that would develop me as a designer. I treated the projects with dedication and fervor up till graduation came around the corner.

Even though this exposure was fundamental to my journey, I went into college as a computer science major ready to make a change and use my creativity within the field. By my second semester, I switched into Studio Arts as I found my creativity to be much stronger in this area of study.

It wasn’t until I became a CSUN Matador that I saw my future within the graphic design world. With my experience in computer science and accumulating graphic skills, it was only natural to fall into UI/UX and Web Design with a goal of entering the accessibility realm, especially being surrounded by many disabled individuals. Present day, I am constantly learning about my specialized area and the diverse world of accessibility.

Quick Fun Facts


I am typically in front of and behind the camera as I have experience modeling and as an amateur photographer. This helps a ton when I have people as subjects.

*psssstttt* secret section of said photography and makeup lewks 👀

The open world genre in video games are my favorite! I love to explore fantastical worlds without boundaries & create my own adventures. This is one of my first exposures to funky UI/UX as well.

I'm a huge fan of music from around the world and is one of the reasons I want to travel! To me, there are no such thing as language barriers when it comes to enjoying music.

Quick Fun Facts


I am typically in front of and behind the camera as I have experience modeling and as an amateur photographer. This helps a ton when I have people as subjects.

secret section of said photography and makeup lewks 👀


The open world genre in video games are my favorite! I love to explore fantastical worlds without boundaries & create my own adventures. This is one of my first exposures to funky UI/UX as well.


I'm a huge fan of music from around the world and is one of the reasons I want to travel! To me, there are no such thing as language barriers when it comes to enjoying music.

Let's Work Together

Liked what you’ve seen and need design solutions?

Let’s connect and see how we can make your digital space more accessible and effective!